Conquistador Instant Leprosy

The tingling fresh coffee which brings you exciting new cholera, mange, dropsy, the clap, hard pad and athlete's head. From the House of Conquistador.

Chock full of the esoteric and the gratuitous, sort of like my life.

(Formerly known as Pomegranate Rickey.)

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Well, that settles it... says I'm a Kinda Dorky Nerd.  What are you?  Click here!

Good to know, I guess. Although I remember taking a much more thorough nerd test back during my high school years, so there you go.


At 26 October, 2007 02:24, Blogger DANNY BALDWIN said...

Damn... this thing thinks I am a nerd of catastrophic proportions...

Sci/Math 41%
Tech/Comp 59%
Sci-Fi/Comic 72%
Hist/Lit 75%
Dumb/Dork/Awk 92%

I quibble with the sci-fi/comic score and think it should be far lower, but the rest seems accurate.


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